
Candice White-Parker

Candice White-Parker

I am a French Osteopath, Myofascial Release Specialist, Flexibility Coach and Pelvic Floor Strengthening Specialist (with a 15 year experience as a Physical and Massage Therapist in France). I use French osteopathic techniques, Pressure Points and Myofacial Stretching to relieve you from your tensions, rebalance your body and enhance your mobility to help you prevent bad postures and chronic pain.

Isabelle Morvant

Isabelle Morvant

" Je suis Isabelle, expérimentée dans l'accompagnement humain, soin physique et psychologique, je me suis naturellement orientée et formée à la PNL (Programmation Neurolinguistique) et à l'Hypnose Ericksonienne. Cette démarche vise à acquérir les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour vous accompagner de manière personnalisée."

Mathis Touret

Mathis Touret

I am a French Osteopath and I can help you with all kind of pain or disorders. Check the list on my website to have more info ! My approach is very global, holistic, and professional. Contact me if you have any informations. Take care, Mathis.